Joseph McLauchlan

My thoughts on production, post production and the mass media world.

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Text messaging taking over the world…

So by this info-graphic you can see that TXTing is taking over the world…Scary or funny you tell me…
SMS info

Android Vs iPhone won’t go down like BlackBerry

Here is an interesting article from CNN. Can the iPhone survive without Steve Jobs or will the little green man win.????

Why Android and iPhone won’t go down like BlackBerry –



Producers Rethink the Indie Model

Here is an interesting read via Filmmaker Magazine

One of the major developments of the indie-film meltdown has been the winnowing of the high-profile prestige film. Developed, produced and or at least distributed by the studio specialty divisions, and with budgets allowing for top-tier talent, these were the films now-scaled down or defunct companies like Miramax, Paramount Vantage and Picturehouse promoted heavily to both audiences and Academy members. But today, with only a few major deep-pocketed specialty players left — Universal’s Focus Features, Fox Searchlight and Summit Entertainment — producers specializing in such projects are left scratching their heads. More….

The internet a great learning resource

So as I was on the internet today, I realized exactly how much of an asset it really is. The net is a great learning resource for people in the areas of production and design. One great resource is TutsPlus. Now I realize that this in one of many resources. However I do like that this site covers a wide range of material. Form AE to web design. I would recommend to anyone that wants to learn something new or even brush up to check it out. Also I am constantly asked many questions that can be answered with a simple googlesearch. Do not be afraid to do a little research and use the net as a teaching tool.

Interview With a Zombie

ZombieHere is a great story on an fx makeup artist turned zombie actor. Check it out here. It sure is an interesting read, who knew there was such a market for zombies.

Support a Good Cause…Tis the Season

Here is a inspirational story, via about a war photographer that lost both legs to a land mine. A few weeks ago, embedded with a patrol in Afghanistan on assignment for the New York Times, photojournalist Joao Silva stepped on a landmine and lost both his legs below the knees. He kept taking photographs the whole time.

Gear Selection….what do I really need?

When starting any indie or feature film the fist question is what gear will I use. Here is a nice article from Film Slate Magazine. this is a good place to start when trying to select what gear you need. Check it out here gear guide.

25 New Faces in Film

Here is an interesting list that Filmmaker Magazine made about 25 new faces in film.

New Faces

Viral Video Model Changing?

It seems that the viral video model may be changing. You need more the just a run of the mill video to stand out on YouTube now. The Gregory Brothers have a gift for turning viral videos into hilarious and danceable pop songs. Most notably “The Bed Intruder” song. Here is an interesting article from Forbes about this new model of viral video, and how not only the Gregory Brothers but also the unintentional talent are both making some serious money. A Model for Viral Video Remix Profit-Sharing

The iPad as a production tool……What?

Owning an iPad myself I have yet to put it to use on an actual production. However I do think that as the iPad gains popularity and more production and post production apps are released we will see more stories similar to the one on Vincent Laforet’s blog, Using the iPad on set. My question to anyone reading this is what roll do you see the iPad playing in the production process, and what apps are out there or what would you like to see made for the iPad?

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